Markup, Margin, Net Income, Cash Flow Calculator

Fill in fields that are blue!  After entering an amount, TAB OUT of the field OR click in another field to trigger calculations!


To Calculate Job Revenues and Jobs Gross Profit: Enter Estimated Job Costs For A Year AND A Markup Percent.


**OOPS!  Job Costs, Markup %, Commission %, and Income Tax % must be greater than or equal to zero!

CASH FLOW ASSUMPTION:  Job Costs are paid AND related Job Revenues are drawn and collected.

If plus(+) sign, enter positive amount.   If minus(-) sign, enter negative amount.

Job Revenues (Sales) Less Costs Of Goods Sold (COGS) = JOBS GROSS PROFIT

Costs X (1 + Markup %)

Job Cost Of Goods Sold

Plus Other Revenues Less Other Costs Of Goods Sold = Total GROSS PROFIT

**OOPS!  Other Revenues must be greater than or equal to zero!

**OOPS!  Other COGS must be less than than or equal to zero!

Gross Profit For Entire Company

Company Gross Profit Margin %

Less Operating EXPENSES (Company Overhead) = NET TAXABLE INCOME

Commission % X Job Revenues


**OOPS!  SALARIES must be less than than or equal to zero
AND Payroll Tax % must be greater than or equal to zero!

**OOPS!  EXPENSES must be less than than or equal to zero!

TAXABLE Net Income
TAXABLE Net Income
Net Loss!

Net Profit Margin %


**OOPS!  Other Cash In must be greater than than or equal to zero!

**OOPS!  Other Cash Out must be less than than or equal to zero!

Negative Cash Flow!

Positive Cash Flow!